先日の3月20日は、学位授与式が行われました.長年の勉強と努力の成果を認められ、ついに学位を授与されました.表彰では岩崎宇京君が計測自動制御学会賞(SICE)を受賞,岩崎君は4月からは大学院生です.すごく感動的な式となりました。卒業生たちは、新しいステージに進むことになる.この学位授与式は、卒業生たちにとって一生忘れられない瞬間になったはずです。これからも、彼らが新たな挑戦に向かってがんばっていく姿を見守っていきたいと思います.(by ChatGPT) というのはさておいて...残念ながら全員は揃いませんでしたが記念撮影,その後懇親会を行い楽しい時間を過ごしました.多くの学生は自動車整備士2級の筆記試験が待ち受けています.よほどのミスがなければ大丈夫でしょう. 2級試験合格,社会での活躍祈っています!
On March 20th, the degree awarding ceremony was held, where students were finally recognized for their years of studying and hard work and were awarded degrees. During the ceremony, Iwazaki Ukkyo received the Measurement and Control Society Award (SICE) in the awards ceremony and he will be a graduate student from April. It was a very moving ceremony. Although not everyone was able to attend, we took a commemorative photo and had a reception afterwards, and we had a great time. Many students are now preparing for the Class 2 Automotive Maintenance Technician written exam. Unless they make a major mistake, they should be fine. I pray for their success in passing the 2nd class exam and for their future success in society!