4月,新年度に入って研究室体制スタートです. 大学院生3名(ただし1人は1年ワーホリでオーストラリアへ)、卒業研究性8名。 教員は金子,北澤. 早速ゴールデンウィーク前の研究発表会に向けた課題に取り組んでいます. まずは研究課題の把握,前年度の引継ぎ精度を確認します. どんな研究室になるでしょうか... April marks the start of the new academic year and the beginning of our laboratory's operations. Our team consists of three graduate students (one of whom is on a one-year working holiday in Australia) and eight research-oriented undergraduate students, with faculty members Prof. Kaneko and Prof. Kitazawa. We've already started working on our tasks for the research presentation before Golden Week. First, we need to understand the research topics and review the accuracy of the handover from the previous academic year. It's exciting to think about what kind of laboratory we will become...