かれこれ3年ぶり?の忘年会,研究室のイベント再開です. 学生さんからの要望,私からの強い要望から忘年会決行です.もう世間では再開しているのに学生だけ駄目っておかしいでしょう.『私が責任取りますのでやりましょう!』ということで始まりました.ワクチン接種や家庭に重篤化リスク者が居ないなどできることは配慮し,できることはした上で行いました. 自動車整備士2級の講習などもあり,終了後からバタバタと準備を始め卒研生はほとんど,ゼミ生,OBも差し入れを持って参加してくれました.『研究室飲み会』の経験が無い世代...にも関わらず色々楽しく過ごすことができました.残念ながら現地参加できない学生さんもネットから挨拶してくれました. 終始楽しく過ごせました.こうやって徐々に平常に戻っていくといいですね.

It's been three years?'s year-end party, a laboratory event has resumed. The year-end party was held because of requests from students and strong good requests from me. It is strange that only students are not allowed when the public has already reopened. My declaration "I'll take responsibility, so let's do it!" started the plan. We gave consideration to what we could do, such as vaccination and the absence of people at risk of serious illness in our homes, and we did what we could. On the day of the training, there was a class for second grade auto mechanics, and after the training, we started to prepare in a flurry, and most of the graduate students participated, and then the seminar students and OB students also participated with gifts. Despite the fact that I don't have any experience with 'laboratory parties' ..., I was able to prepare a lot and have a good time. The students who unfortunately couldn't attend there also greeted me online. I enjoyed the whole time. I hope the laboratory events gradually return to normal like this.