12月14日~16日タイのバンコクで開催された国際会議ISAVT(5th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Technology)にKeynote speech(基調講演)を行う&International Advisory Committeeとして参加してきました.本会議は主にアカデミア間の学術交流を主とした国際会議です.日本,韓国,アメリカ,ドイツと各国で開催されて,コロナで延期などを経て今回バンコクで開催となりました.ホストはRajamangala University of Technologyでした.”Advanced Vehicle Technology”という括りはありますが分野が幅広いのでコアな議論というより,今後の学術,技術交流が主な目的となりました. 私はパーソナルモビリティビークルに関する講演を行いました.『Dynamic Performance Analysis of a Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) with an Inward Tilt Mechanism on Uneven Road Surface Using Vehicle Dynamics Model Simulation』 I have participated as a Keynote speaker & International Advisory Committee member in ISAVT (5th International Symposium on Advanced Vehicle Technology), an international conference held from December 14 to 16th in Bangkok, Thailand. This conference is an international conference mainly for academic exchange between academia. It has been held in Japan, South Korea, the United States, and Germany, and after some postponements due to the coronavirus, it was held in Bangkok this time. It was hosted by Rajamangala University of Technology. Although it is categorized as "Advanced Vehicle Technology," its scope is broad, so the main purpose was not to have core discussions, but to have future academic and technological exchanges. I gave a talk on personal mobility vehicles. "Dynamic Performance Analysis of a Personal Mobility Vehicle (PMV) with an Inward Tilt Mechanism on Uneven Road Surface Using Vehicle Dynamics Model Simulation"

来年次回はソウル大学で開催予定です.今回私が本学から参加したことによりメンバー校に加入することになりそうです.(?) 学内の自動車研究者をまとめて行く立場になっていかなきゃいけないのでしょうか... テクニカルビジットではタイ国立科学技術開発庁 (Thailand National Science and Technology Development Agency 英略称:NSTDA)監督下のタイ国立電子コンピューター技術研究センター (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center 英略称:NECTEC)を見学しました.見学中には研究所研究者とのディスカッションも行われ,有意義な情報を得ることができました. Next year, it will be held at Seoul National University. It seems that I will join a member school because I joined from this university this time. (? ) Do we have to be in a position to bring together all the automotive researchers on campus ... During the technical visit, I visited the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center: NECTEC under the supervision of the Thailand National Science and Technology Development Agency: NSTDA. During the visit, I also had discussions with laboratory researchers, which provided me with meaningful information.