event 学会

松尾悠太郎 関西学自研 優秀講演発表賞受賞

2022 年度第39 回 自動車技術会関西支部 学生自動車研究会 卒業研究発表講演会

 大阪公立大学(旧大阪市大) 杉本キャンパスにて,2022 年度第39 回 自動車技術会関西支部 学生自動車研究会 卒業研究発表講演会が行われ研究室の卒業研究6テーマの発表を行いました.本学学内の卒研発表会から2週間気が抜けず,また自動車工学コースの学生は自動車整備士2級の講習会を毎日こなしながら内容をブラッシュアップして準備してきました.


松尾悠太郎 『リスクポテンシャル評価を用いたAHP法による車両合流意思決定アルゴリズムの開発』


The 39th graduation research presentation lecture of the Kansai Branch of the Automobile Technology Society, Student Automobile Research Association, was held at the Sugimoto Campus of Osaka Metropolitan University (formerly Osaka City University), and six graduation research themes from the laboratory were presented. Two weeks had passed since the graduation research presentation at the university, and the students in the automobile engineering course had been preparing by attending the daily training sessions for the Automotive Service Technician 2nd Class certification while brushing up on their content.

It was a presentation venue for hands-on presentations in conjunction with automobile-related laboratories, including Osaka Prefecture University, Doshisha University, Osaka University, Okayama University, Kyoto University, Osaka Institute of Technology, Kinki University, Shiga Prefectural University, and Osaka Sangyo University, among the leading universities in the Kansai branch.

At the closing ceremony, four excellent presentation lectures were selected and awarded out of 51 research presentations after a rigorous evaluation. Among them, the following from our laboratory was awarded in line with Kyoto University, Kyoto University, and Okayama University:

Yutaro Matsuo,( Osaka Sangyo University), "Development of a Vehicle Merging Decision-Making Algorithm using the AHP Method with Risk Potential Evaluation"

Matsuo continued his research even after submitting his manuscript within the university and presented his culmination at this event. It was an excellent presentation.

He worked hard with little sleep until the last minute, so he looked quite sleepy at the celebration. (=_=)

-event, 学会
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