
・大型トラック,トレーラー横転事故 事故要因解析 シミュレーションによる再現                                               
Collaborative research between academia and industry can enhance a company's competitiveness by working together to develop new technologies and products. Collaboration with universities can further enhance a company's existing technology and know-how, thereby strengthening its presence in the market. Collaborative research allows for more efficient research and development by setting research themes that meet the needs of the company and utilizing the research results of universities. In addition, by utilizing the specialized knowledge and research facilities of universities, companies can reduce development costs. Furthermore, through collaborative research, it is possible to build human networks with universities, leading to the acquisition of talented personnel and social contributions. Our research laboratory actively engages in collaborative research and proposes research plans tailored to the needs of companies. Please visit our website and explore the potential of business through collaborative research between academia and industry.
Collaboration achievements:

・Vehicle motion simulation analysis
・Provision of autonomous driving algorithms
・Passenger car, trailer, and large vehicle accident appraisal, accident reconstruction simulation
・Vehicle element modeling, tire model development
・Proposal for motion control of special trailers, simulation analysis
・Proposal for driver models
・Analysis of driver characteristics, driver workload measurement, driving characteristic measurement
・Development of personal mobility, motion analysis simulation

In addition, problem solving and product developments in the fields of mechanical engineering, control engineering, vibration engineering, human engineering,
連絡 (Contact)
E-mail: kaneko(at)ge.osaka-sandai.ac.jp
大阪産業大学 工学部 教授
Osaka Sangyo University 
Prof.  Tetsuya Kaneko