2022 年度第39 回 自動車技術会関西支部 学生自動車研究会 卒業研究発表講演会
2023 年2 月18 日(土) 大阪公立大学(旧大阪市大) 杉本キャンパスにて,2022 年度第39 回 自動車技術会関西支部 学生自動車研究会 卒業研究発表講演会が行われ研究室の卒業研究6テーマの発表を行いました.本学学内の卒研発表会から2週間気が抜けず,また自動車工学コースの学生は自動車整備士2級の講習会を毎日こなしながら内容をブラッシュアップして準備してきました. 関西支部有数の大学,大阪公立大学,同志社大学,大阪大学,岡山大学,京都大学,大阪工業大学,近畿大学,滋賀県立大学,大阪産業大学と,自動車関係の研究室と肩を並べて発表です.どの研究テーマもより良い研究内容の発表ができたと思います. C6 内傾機構を有するパーソナルモビリティビークルのシミュレータ環境構築に関する研究 野口凱翔 入江風汰 C7 自動二輪車用ライディングシミュレータの現実感向上のためのモーション制御に関する研究 松葉井洋介 小西 達也 D3 リスクポテンシャル評価を用いたAHP 法による車両合流意思決定アルゴリズムの開発 松尾悠太朗 米田春輝 D4 リスクポテンシャルドライバモデルを用いた自律走行車両の制御目標リアルタイム生成に関する研究 飯塚 駿太 神谷龍太郎 中島駿斗 D7 先進路面摩擦データベースの構築のための路面舗装プロファイル計測 望月俊祐 枡川 伶 有田立樹 D8 大型特殊トレーラ部の先進アクティブ操舵による走行軌跡制御による運転支援に関する研究 岩崎宇京 松山慎平 On February 18, 2023 (Saturday), the 39th Kansai Branch of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan (JSAE) Student Automotive Research Presentation was held at Osaka Metropolitan University's Sugimoto Campus. Six graduation research themes were presented by the research lab members. Only two weeks had passed since the university's internal graduation presentation, and the students from the automotive engineering course had been preparing while attending the second-class automotive mechanic training course every day to brush up on their skills. The presentation was held alongside various other automobile-related research labs from prestigious universities such as Osaka Prefecture University, Doshisha University, Osaka University, Okayama University, Kyoto University, Osaka Institute of Technology, Kinki University, Shiga Prefectural University, and Osaka Sangyo University. I believe that each research theme presented was of high quality. The six graduation research themes presented were as follows: C6 - Research on the construction of a simulator environment for personal mobility vehicles with an inward tilting mechanism by Kaito Noguchi and Futa Irie C7 - Research on motion control to improve the realism of a riding simulator for motorcycles by Yosuke Matsubai and Tatsuya Konishi D3 - Development of a vehicle merging decision-making algorithm using the AHP method based on risk potential evaluation by Yutaro Matsuo and Haruki Yoneda D4 - Research on real-time generation of control objectives for autonomous driving vehicles using the risk potential driver model by Shunta Iizuka, Ryutaro Kodani, and Shundo Nakajima D7 - Road surface paving profile measurement for the construction of an advanced road surface friction database by Shunsuke Mochizuki, Rei Masukawa, and Tatsuki Arita D8 - Research on driving support through the control of vehicle trajectory using advanced active steering for large special trailer units by Ukyo Iwasaki and Shinpei Matsuyama

閉会式では嬉しい発表も(次の投稿で...),寺田君2年間学生自動車研究会委員お疲れ様でした!!コロナ禍色々大変でした. 次年度は岩崎君よろしくお願いします. 全体での懇親会は中止されましたが... At the closing ceremony, there were some happy announcements (which will be covered in the next post) but first, a big thank you to Terada for his two years of service as a student committee member for the Automobile Technology Society's Kansai Branch. It was tough dealing with various challenges during the pandemic. Next year, we are counting on you, Iwasaki, to take the lead. Although the party for everyone was canceled, we still had a great time.

...そんなのつまぁんない.研究室だけで天王寺で打ち上げです! 頑張った後の酒はうまい!楽しい時間を過ごしました.レシートすごい.頼みすぎだろ. "We don't want to do that. Let's have a party with just the members of our lab in Tennoji!" There's nothing better than a drink after working hard! We had a great time together. The receipts were insane, though. We definitely ordered too much!