12月7日,先進路面摩擦データーベースプロジェクト CAR-FDの年内最終実験であり.初の公道試験を行いました. コースは千葉県,習志野市から千葉市に掛けての2コース一般市街地でした. 本実験車両はトレーラー型(ボート運搬トレーラを改造)試験機で3つの独立した回転速度(スリップ率)のタイヤ力を計測し後処理により路面の摩擦特性(μーs特性)を計測できるものです.連続的に一般道でこのようなデータを測定できる唯一のタイヤ試験機です. これまで限られたエリアの試験場での走行のみでしたがいよいよ一般道走行デビューです.私を含めメンバーの数名は次週はタイでの国際会議を控え,かなりタイトなスケジュールでした.今回の計測次第で某メーカーとの次年度の契約もかかっています. 今まで多くこなしてきた実験の問題点などを少しずつクリアしてきた試験機です.今回私は主に計測タイヤを固定するスイングアームの角度とGPS測定の準備をしていきました.関西から持ち込んだ計測器と配線を前夜のホテルでチェック.いち早く動作確認をしてほぼパーフェクトにどうさしました. 実験自体は夜9時を過ぎましたが目的のデータは計測できたようです.(これから全データを解析してまとえていきます.) これから徐々にレベルアップ,普及が進む自動運転車両の走行に必要なダイナミックマップや自動運転可能な道路区間選定に必要なデータが計測できる非常に独創的な研究にトライしています. この二年間はNEXCO東日本の研究助成,ほかメーカーなどの支援によりプロジェクトは進められています. December 7th. This is the final measurement experiment of the advanced road friction database project "CAR-FD: Consortium on Advanced Road-Friction Database" within this year. This was the first public road test. The course was a two-course general urban road from Narashino City to Chiba City in Chiba Prefecture. This experimental vehicle is a trailer type (modified boat transport trailer) testing machine that measures tire forces at three independent rotational speeds (slip ratio) and can measure the friction characteristics (mu-s characteristics) of the road surface after treatment. It is the only tire testing machine in the world that can measure such data continuously on open roads. Until now, we have only conducted driving tests at test sites in a limited area, but this is our first public road driving debut. Several of the members, including myself, had a tight schedule ahead of an international conference in Bangkok next week. Depending on this measurement, the next year's financial contract with a certain manufacturer is also at stake. The measurement accuracy of the testing machine has also improved by gradually clearing many problems that have been confirmed in many experiments. This time I mainly prepared for swing-arm angle and GPS measurement to fix the measuring tire. At the hotel the night before, I checked the measuring instruments and wiring I had brought from Kansai. On that day, I was quick to check the operation and it worked almost perfectly. The experiment itself passed 9:00 PM, but the target data could be measured. (We will now analyze and compile all the data.) Our project is trying very original research that can measure big data that will be added to the dynamic maps that are essential for the operation of autonomous vehicles, which will gradually increase in level and popularity, as well as data necessary for the selection of driverable road sections. For the past two years, the project has been supported by research grants from NEXCO East Japan and other manufacturers.